• 正在播放《默多家族謀殺案:美國司法世家醜聞第二季》 - HD在線播放集
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  • 正在播放《默多家族謀殺案:美國司法世家醜聞第二季》 - HD在線播放

  Season 2 of Murdaugh Murders: A Southern Scandal will feature first-hand accounts from those who were there the days leading up to and following the murders, giving more insight into that deadly nig[展開全部]


  Season 2 of Murdaugh Murders: A Southern Scandal will feature first-hand accounts from those who were there the days leading up to and following the murders, giving more insight into that deadly night, including Blanca Turrubiate-Simpson (Former Murdaugh Family Housekeeper) and Mushelle “Shelly” Smith (Caregiver for Libby Murdaugh) – who became some of the most powerful witnesses at the trial – Curtis Edward Smith (aka Cousin Eddie), and Gwen Generette, one of the trial’s jurors. Morgan Doughty, Paul’s ex-girlfriend, Anthony Cook, Paul’s friend, and Valerie Bauerlein, Wall Street Journal reporter, also return.
  An intimate look at the lives of modern circus performers in and out of Cirque Du Soleil. The film follows the stories of several different performers and gives viewers an unprecedented look into their lives and art. A testament to the human spirit and the power of following your dreams it is also and homage to the grace and power of artists who use their bodies as their instruments. Filmed on location in 11 countries and in three languages by a Cirque Du Soleil "insider" this film transcends a "behind the scenes" look and creates a powerful and moving work of art.
  1"Deadly Reputation"巴西天馬航空3054號班機2011年8月12日  在2007年7月17日,巴西天馬航空3054號班機在聖保羅孔戈尼亞斯機場衝出35L跑道後,高速撞入巴西天馬快運的倉庫及其附近的加油站並且爆炸,199人罹難,包含12名地上人員。右側引擎推力逆向器的損壞,造成在飛機降落時,機師錯誤執行單側推力逆向器損壞的降落程序,產生左側引擎正在反推、右側引擎卻在全力加速的結果,最後飛機失去控制,滑出因雨天造成濕滑的跑道。  機種:空中巴士A320-233  發動機:IAE V2527E-A5  2"The Plane That Flew Too High"西加勒比海航空708號班機2011年8月19日  在2005年8月16日,西加勒比海航空708號班機為躲避一個颶風造成的亂流而提升高度,不久後突然發生緊急狀況,機長向塔臺彙報兩側引擎熄火後,飛機在委內瑞拉的一個牧場墜毀。調查發現引擎本身沒有問題,是因為除冰器啟動造成引擎供電降低,推力不足以提供幾達臨界負重的飛機足夠升力,失速後機長誤判為引擎熄火,正副機長又溝通不良,以致無法搶救。全機160人皆罹難。  機種:麥道MD-82  發動機:普惠JT8D-217A  3"Split Decision"飛箭航空1285號班機2011年8月26日  在1985年12月12日,從埃及載運美軍第101空降師回國的包機飛箭航空1285號班機,在加拿大紐芬蘭島的甘德國際機場中轉加油後,起飛不久即失速墜毀。256人罹難。正式報告認為未去除機翼上的冰,以及對飛機負重的低估,造成起飛速度不足,無法提供飛機足夠的升力而失速;但同時有人懷疑美軍可能在機上偷偷載運武器或爆裂物,在空中爆炸後造成失事。  機種:麥道DC-8-63CF  發動機:普惠JT3D-7  4"Break Up Over Texas"美國大陸快運2574號班機2011年12月29日  在1991年9月11日,美國大陸快運2574號班機即將完成由拉雷多前往德克薩斯州休斯頓的路程,在機師準備降落時,突然從空中俯衝,左機翼撕裂並爆炸起火,最後墜毀,機上14人全數罹難。成因是維修時交班疏失,固定左側水平尾翼前緣的螺絲未裝上,造成飛行時脫離之後,機組人員立刻完全失去對飛機的控制。  機種:巴西航空工業EMB 120巴西利亞型  發動機:普惠PW118  5"Munich Air Disaster"慕尼黑空難2011年12月29日  在1958年2月6日,英國歐洲航空609號班機載著曼聯球隊,在慕尼黑機場加油後,經過兩次重新起飛,在第三次起飛時仍然起飛失敗,衝出跑道後撞上300公尺外的的一間民房,23人罹難。德國方的正式報告認為空難的成因是機長未要求除冰,機翼上的積雪及積冰導致飛機無法達到起飛速度,但後來英國方重啟調查之後,認為是跑道上積雪產生的雪泥造成飛機起飛前突然減速,才導致起飛失敗,還給機長清白。  機種:空速AS-57大使型  發動機:布里斯托661型  6"Turning Point"西北航空85號班機2011年12月29日  在2002年10月9日, 從底特律起飛前往東京的西北航空85號班機,在白令海35,000英尺上空時,垂直尾翼上的方向舵下半部突然左傾並卡死,令4名機師必須掉頭在阿拉斯加州安克拉治作緊急迫降。無人受傷。雖然經檢視發現控制方向舵的液壓系統管路中,有一處因金屬疲勞而斷裂,但其斷裂的根本原因至今仍未找到。  機種:波音747-451  發動機:普惠PW4056  7"Bad Attitude"大韓航空貨運8509號班機2012年1月20日  在1999年12月22日,由大韓航空貨運營運的貨運航班8509號班機離開倫敦斯坦斯特德機場前往義大利米蘭,但起飛約55秒後即墜毀。機上4名機組人員全部罹難。空難的成因是慣性導航系統故障導致機長側的水平儀顯示錯誤,和文化上傳統尊卑觀念導致的機組人員溝通不良。  機種:波音747-2B5F  發動機:普惠JT9D-7Q  8"Blind Spot"太平洋西南航空182號班機2012年1月27日  在1978年9月25日,太平洋西南航空182號班機與一架正在進場前往林德伯格機場的塞斯納C-172 N7711G私人飛機在聖地牙哥的住宅區上空相撞並墜毀,它是當時美國史上最嚴重的空難。客機上載有135人,以及小飛機上的2人,全數罹難,地上也有7人死亡,墜機同時摧毀了22棟房屋。空難的主要成因是客機機師與航管員溝通上的失誤。  機種:太平洋西南航空182號班機:波音727-214;N7711G:塞斯納C-172  發動機:太平洋西南航空182號班機:普惠JT8D-7B;N7711G:萊康明IO-360-L2A  9"Under Pressure"奈及利亞航空2120號班機2012年2月3日  在1991年7月11日,奈及利亞航空2120號班機在吉達的阿卜杜勒-阿齊茲國王國際機場起飛後不久在飛行時起火。機組人員企圖回到機場未果,在跑道前墜毀。247名奈及利亞乘客和14名機組人員全部罹難。兩個機輪沒有充飽氣,在高溫的跑道上爆胎起火,隨著機輪收起,火勢在機內迅速蔓延,切斷液壓系統及電線,並燒穿機艙地板,最後在抵達機場前爆炸性燃燒造成墜機。  機種:道格拉斯DC-8-61  發動機:普惠JT3D-3B  10""I'm The Problem""太平洋西南航空1771號班機2012年2月10日  在1987年12月7日,一名叫大衛.柏克的前全美航空的員工因為被革職而心懷不滿,攜帶槍械乘上前主管從洛杉磯前往舊金山的太平洋西南航空1771號班機。起飛後,柏克射殺了前主管、空服員及兩名機師,並將引擎推力全開,造成飛機垂直俯衝並在加利福尼亞州聖路易斯-奧比斯保的一個牧場上墜毀。機上43人包括大衛.柏克全部罹難。當時機場對機組員及航空公司職員有免安檢通關的禮遇,駕駛艙門鎖容易開啟,造成兇手攜械上機的漏洞,並輕而易舉的進入駕駛艙射殺機師。  機種:BAe 146-200A  發動機:萊康明ALF502R-3  11"Nowhere to Land"中美洲航空110號班機2012年3月9日  在1988年5月24日,從貝里斯市飛往紐奧良的中美洲航空110號班機,在墨西哥灣上空飛入一片風暴令引擎熄火。引擎重新啟動後起火,機師決定關閉引擎並迫降在美國紐奧良東部米角區美國國家航空暨太空總署米角裝配基地一條溪旁的寬草堤上。所有人生還。引擎設計時僅考慮高轉速時避免進水引起引擎故障,卻未考慮在準備降落引擎轉速較低時進水產生的影響。此設計失誤在此意外之後迅速得到修正。  機種:波音737-3T0  發動機:CFM56-3B1  12"The Invisible Plane"連尼治機場空難2012年3月23日  在2001年10月8日,北歐航空686號班機,為一架麥道MD-87並載著110名乘客從米蘭飛往丹麥哥本哈根,但在米蘭連尼治機場的大霧中起飛時,在跑道上與一架載著4名乘客前往前往法國巴黎的Evex航空塞斯納引證二型私人飛機相撞。該MD-87受到嚴重的損毀並在附近的倉庫墜毀。客機110人、私人飛機4人與倉庫內的4名地勤人員,共118人罹難,另有4人受傷。事故主因是機場跑道及引道的標示不清,且沒有地面雷達指示飛機的位置,導致在濃霧中,航管員根本不知道私人飛機闖入跑道,造成飛機相撞。  機種:北歐航空686號班機:麥道MD-87;Evex航空:塞斯納引證二型  發動機:北歐航空686號班機:普惠JT8D-217C;Evex航空:威廉士FJ44-2C  13"Impossible Landing"聯合航空232號班機2012年4月13日  在1989年7月19日,聯合航空232號班機因位於機尾的2號引擎爆炸,殘片擊中並切斷了所有液壓系統的管路,令飛機失去控制。飛機決定迫降在蘇城,但因為飛機落地速度太快,機體在地面解體並起火燃燒。全機296名機組人員及乘客中,111人罹難。製造該引擎前葉片的鈦金屬,在純化過程中未能完全將氧、氮等雜質提出,造成葉片容易因金屬疲勞而斷裂。在此之後,DC-10的液壓系統管路經過重新設計,加上多處閥門,以防止液壓系統因漏液而失效。  機種:麥道DC-10-10  發動機:通用電力CF6-6D
荒野求生 第二季

Bear drops into the swamps of Florida's Everglades, where at least 60 tourists need to be rescued each year. He trudges through the swamp and shows how to construct shelter, deal with razor-sharp sawgrass, get out of a muddy sinkhole, avoid alligators and rattlesnakes. He eats frogs and cooks a turtle Seminole-style.

  It follows the turbulent and complex investigation into the killing of British tourist Lucie Blackman.
Follows Fields as he's dropped into some of the most extreme and deadliest places on Earth for seven...
In this spectacular series, Professor Cox offers an original new perspective on human life: the stor...
A cinematic bullet into the cerebral cortex, a documentary that unflinchingly exploring the cycles o...
Rapture stares directly into the bright light that hip hop culture shines on the world and doesnt blink. Throughout 8 episodes Rapture dives into artists lives with their families and friends, to sitting front row in the studio and grinding on tour, to experiencing the ecstatic power of moving the crowd. Written by Netflix Netflix紀錄片《Rapture》共八集,介紹 Nas, T.I., Logic, G-Eazy, 2 Chainz, A-Boogie, Dave East, Rapsody, Just Blaze 等人臺前臺後的生活
From Blumhouse Television, the new five-part documentary series Worst Roommate Ever highlights four harrowing tales of seemingly harmless roommates turning into real-life nightmares for their unsuspecting victims when their malevolent and sometimes violent intentions are revealed. These unsettling true stories chronicle the masked menace that can be lurking right down the hall.                                                                    Worst Roommate Ever debuts March 1, only on Netflix.
Narrated by two-time Golden Globe® nominee Ewan McGregor, Humpback Whales is an extraordinary journey into the mysterious world of one of nature’s most awe-inspiring marine mammals. Set in the spectacular waters of Alaska, Hawaii and the remote islands of Tonga, this ocean adventure offers audiences an up-close look at how these whales communicate, sing, feed, play and take care of their young. Captured for the                                                                    first time with IMAX® 3D cameras, and found in every ocean on earth, humpbacks were nearly driven to extinction 50 years ago, but today are making a slow but remarkable recovery. Join a team of researchers as they unlock the secrets of the humpback and find out why humpbacks are the most acrobatic of all whales, why they sing their haunting songs, and why these intelligent 55-foot, 50-ton animals migrate up to 10,000 miles round-trip every year.                                                                    A MacGillivray Freeman film presented by Pacific Life, Humpback Whales is directed by Greg MacGillivray (The Living Sea, Dolphins, Everest) and produced by Shaun MacGillivray (To The Arctic, Grand Canyon Adventure). Filmed with 15perf / 65mm IMAX® cameras, Humpback Whales is written and edited by Stephen Judson (Everest, To The Arctic) with a musical score by Steve Wood (Journey to the South Pacific, To The Arctic).  A One World One Ocean production.
  An intimate look at the lives of modern circus performers in and out of Cirque Du Soleil. The film follows the stories of several different performers and gives viewers an unprecedented look into their lives and art. A testament to the human spirit and the power of following your dreams it is also and homage to the grace and power of artists who use their bodies as their instruments. Filmed on location in 11 countries and in three languages by a Cirque Du Soleil "insider" this film transcends a "behind the scenes" look and creates a powerful and moving work of art.
      Love True pushes the documentary genre further into new realms as it looks into the opposing realities of the "True Love" fantasy. Does our view of love change as we grow older? How do we make decisions about our love lives? Is there such a thing as true love? Are there invisible partners in our relationships? Past ghosts of ourselves? The film's reenactments of significant past experiences and glimpses at possible futures, created with non-actors playing the characters' older and younger selves, encourage the couples to confront the realities of their hopes and memories, and the effect they have on their love lives.
In March 2018 an international team of scientists gathered in a remote valley in the Canadian Rockies to conduct a unique experiment - to attempt to see into the heart of a massive avalanche to see if we can find ways to save lives in the future. Avalanches kill hundreds of people every year. Even in the UK 25 people have been killed by these forces of nature since the year 2000. But we know surprisingly little about them - why they happen or how they are able to produce destructive forces so powerful that they can flatten entire villages. Equally disturbing is the fact that climate change means that the pattern of avalanches is changing. They are occurring in places where they have never happened before. Finding out where might be in danger in the future is of vital importance. Answering all these questions could help save lives. The experiment attempts to provide those answers.\n \n   The team of experts, gathered from all over the world, includes the programme's presenter Prof Danielle George. Her day job is studying space at Manchester University, but she is also a specialist in the design of experiments. She is even getting personally involved. As part of an experiment to test out safety equipment, Danielle puts on the latest breathing device intended to help you survive being caught in an avalanche. She then agrees to be buried under half a tonne of snow.\n \n   The scientists hope to do what no one has ever managed before - to reveal the mysteries of an avalanche's destructive power by finding out what is going on at its very heart. Hitherto, our understanding of avalanches has been based on computer models - but these consistently underestimate the sheer power of these natural phenomena. To try and work out why, the scientists will conduct a range of cutting-edge tests, using the latest technology, including placing a car rigged with sensors right in the path of the avalanche. The plan is to set up the equipment and then unleash the avalanche by dropping explosives near the top of the slope. But the team are in a race against time. They have just three days to rig the mountain before the snow will come down the slope naturally. If they aren't ready in time, all their efforts will be wasted. Even worse, they are working in an active avalanche zone. For some scientists going out on the slopes to install their equipment means risking their lives.\n \n   Interwoven with the main experiment are powerful and moving stories from survivors of these violent natural forces. We meet Casey George, whose two children were buried when an avalanche struck the small town of Missoula, Montana, completely out of the blue while they were playing. Their neighbour Fred Allendorf was inside his house when it was completely destroyed. The cataclysm claimed the life of his wife. Missoula had never been struck by an avalanche before. And no one could understand how a well-built house could be utterly demolished.\n \n   The film meets British snowboarder Johno Verity, who was being filmed when an avalanche started right underneath him. His story provides clues as to what causes these disasters - a subtle change in the microscopic structure of snow deep beneath the surface. In a unique snow lab, where they can recreate different snow conditions, Danielle discovers exactly how snow can be transformed from something light and fluffy into a potential killer. And there is Elyse Saugstad, an expert skier who, despite years of experience, was caught unawares in an avalanche that killed three of her friends. All these stories emphasise just how unpredictable and devastating these events can be and why we need to understand and so be able to predict them better.\n \n   In addition to being buried, Danielle George conducts another experiment into equipment that may help skiers survive being caught in an avalanche. Your chances of living rapidly diminish if you are buried for more than 15 minutes. She conducts a test with an inflatable airbag that is designed to keep you near the surface of an avalanche, making you easier to find.\n \n   After two intense days of work by the scientific team, the experiment ends with over 1,000 tonnes of snow rushing down the mountainside. It triggers a whole host of censors and observational equipment. There is then a tense wait for results. But when they come, they are revealing. It seems that the team may have uncovered the first clues to an avalanche's unexplained power. If so, this could one day lead to significant breakthroughs in how we build houses and infrastructure that may lie in an avalanche's path and in how we devise safety equipment for skiers. It could be that this experiment will help save lives in the future.
Nova's examination or how thousands to terra cotta soldiers in Qin dynasty's terra cotta army were created digresses into reviews of Qin history and technology.